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Museums, libraries, collections and archives
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  3. Archives & museums

Museums, libraries, collections and archives

Attractive, reliable solutions for the perfect room climate

Museums, libraries, collections and archives

Whether exhibition or safekeeping – the following is true for private and public museums, collections, libraries or archives: Room climate and air quality are the most important factors to preserve your valuable exhibits or archived documents.

Dry heated air can do as much harm to your precious goods as the hot and humid climate of a summer day. In Europe there is often a relative humidity of up to 95 %, especially in the summertime. But already from humidity values of 70 % ideal conditions for mould growth are found – especially where it happens to be rather dusty. Let's be honest: How clean can you really keep your warehouse, archive or library? Clean enough to pass microscopical examination? Moreover, there is no universal optimum climate for all collectibles, because the decisive factor for each is always the specific material composition of the respective collection.

You can buy or rent our machines and measuring devices for climate conditioning, as needed.

Humidifiers create a feel-good climate for guests and goods

Especially in the months of winter Trotec humidifiers help you to protect your valuables against too dry air. Exhibition visitors also appreciate an agreeable room humidity level. Portable humidifiers such as the B 250, B 300, B 400 or the B 500 with radio sensor can be used flexibly at different installation sites and there protect precious objects of art or pieces of furniture by means of a reliable humidification and filtration of the room air. In humidors, too, Trotec humidifiers ensure continuously favourable storage conditions.

Air purification keeps away microorganisms

The odour neutraliser AirgoPro® 8 works with active oxygen. It sucks in room air, carries out the oxidative decomposition of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and mould by means of ionisation and then emits the purified air to the room. This is how you can ensure that your depot or archive stays clean after a professional basic cleaning.

Trotec provides application solutions to check and record temperature and humidity values – and to face dust and humidity in an uncomplicated manner.

Museums, libraries, collections and archives

Climate control in exhibition rooms, libraries, archives and storage spaces

Regularly checking your room climate helps to create ideal climate conditions for sensitive paper. Trotec offers possibilities for mobile climate control – hand-held devices you can take along with you. And options for stationary climate control. Using so-called data loggers, which are mounted to the wall, you can even document measured values over longer periods of time.

One device for all measurement tasks – our new T3000

You want to determine more than just climate values for your archive? Do, for instance, air temperature and air currents play a vital role for your exhibition? In that event we recommend our new Multifunction measuring meter T3000. Using this device you can determine all values relevant for the protection of your exhibits.

Air handling units for the ideal room temperature

Neither too warm, because warm air absorbs humidity, nor too cold, for otherwise there might be condensation – e.g. a room temperature of 20°C to 24°C and a humidity between 25 and 50 % are ideal to store papers. In the summertime this can be achieved by use of air conditioners, in unheated rooms in the winter heating devices are the solution. Ideal are devices with an integrated thermostat automatically switching on or off when the desired room temperature has been reached.

Dehumidifiers dry up your papers

Mobile or stationary dehumidifiers – or else in large rooms and warehouses also professional construction dryers – ensure a constant humidity of 25 % to 50 %. Trotec dehumidifiers also come with a humidity sensor, giving your device a feedback as to the room's current humidity level. Once the desired value has been reached, the dehumidifiers automatically switch on or off. Many dehumidifiers are further equipped with an optional continuous drainage function for unattended long-term operation.

Trotec products for museums, libraries, collections and archives

 standard equipment

 optionally available

 not available

Application examples for museums, libraries, collections and archives

  • Medical practices and authorities germ and virus-free thanks to ozone

    Who doesn’t know this: In the often overcrowded waiting areas at the doctor's office or, for example, at the residents' registration office, people sit close together and it is not uncommon to be sneezed at or coughed on. But even when there is no direct interpersonal contact, they are there: pathogenic viruses, germs, bacteria and spores. Particularly in family doctor's offices, which are...