Garden tools
Our product range for perfect garden care
All Garden tools in direct comparison:
To find the Garden tool which exactly meets your requirements, please consult the concise overview of all Garden tools from Trotec, which we're providing to you here so that you can compare them directly to each other.
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Flexpower multi-device batteries – 20 V 2 Ah / 4 Ah
Owing to additional power reserves this prime 20 V battery formidably outperforms its 18 V competitors. After all, a little extra power never hurts – and to make sure this power is available from start to finish without any signs of weakness the Li-ion battery employs the advanced NMC technology. This guarantees full power until the end without a drop in performance as the discharge process continues.
Unlike standard batteries with no more than 1.5 Ah this Flexpower battery with 2 Ah permits runtimes longer by up to 33 %. And if the battery has been run down, you can use our quick chargers to fully charge it again within about an hour.
The Flexpower multi-battery 20V/2AH is compatible with a large number of Trotec power tools.
FLEXPOWER MULTI-DEVICE BATTERY 20V/4AH – lasting even longer!
This power pack is the performance leader in the Trotec Flexpower portfolio. He who is not fully satisfied with 20 V of power alone, can further benefit from the substantially increased endurance of this prime battery. A charging capacity of 4 Ah enables device runtimes increased by the multiplier factor 1.5 – as compared to standard batteries with only 1.5 Ah – and, mind you, the operating time is still twice as long as that of our Flexpower batteries with 2 Ah.
Less time is required for the charging process, seeing as this prime battery can be recharged to 100 % with the quick charger in only 90 minutes.
The Flexpower multi-battery 20V/4AH is compatible with a large number of Trotec power tools.
Premium branded battery for constantly full power

By now, lithium-ion batteries are widely distributed, after all they come without memory effect and self-discharge. Plus these batteries can be disconnected from the charger and used right away without it affecting the battery’s lifetime. But “lithium ions” is a generic term used for batteries of various qualities and made of diverse electrode materials; including those with a perceptibly weakening performance once the battery charge decreases.
Lithium-ion batteries supplied by Trotec are high-quality premium branded NMC batteries with a high energy density and charging voltage lasting until the end without exceptions – guaranteed! Compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries the performance of our premium branded batteries does not decrease even as the discharge increases.
Consequently, you benefit from lasting maximum power even with an almost empty battery. During longer operation only the battery charge decreases, never their performance – that is the added value of Trotec’s premium branded batteries!
Brand quality plus cost-efficiency
Until now, however, you basically only had two options when choosing a compressor type: either good but expensive, or mainly cheap.
Trotec’s PowerTools now offer a smart choice: good price, good product and good design – all in one.
HighPerformance in every respect, for we do not only stand for measuring devices and air conditioners, but also for power tools of brand quality: Powertools professional Trotec solutions with an excellent value-for-money ratio!
Battery-powered or connected to the mains – our entire range of Trotec power tools is continuously expanded, accordingly you will always be provided with the perfect pneumatic tool for every requirement and performance class.