Constant feel-good climate: Dehumidification in hotels
His or her well-being determines whether a guest will again book and recommend this accommodation. An agreeable, clean room climate is ensured by the Trotec comfort dehumidifiers of the TTK-E-S series.

Excessive humidity levels and high temperatures in the hotel room have sufficed to scare away many a guest. Though hoteliers do their utmost to obtain top ratings and to secure themselves the guests’ recommendations. Hence, one mustn’t save on the wrong things: smoothly running technology for feel-good climate in every single room is worth the money. With the Trotec comfort dehumidifiers of the TTK-E-S series every room can be individually equipped to prevent a disagreeably high humidity level and the resulting musty climate. To protect your furniture and to see to the well-being of your guests: Use Trotec technology!
A suitable room climate is a prerequisite for the well-being of hotel guests. If the air in the room is too warm or humid, it appears to be stale and muggy. Often damages appear at the building structure and interior within a short period of time. Wallpaper will be dotted with mould stains, curtains and clothes as well as linen become damp and musty and – if it comes to the worst – mildew runs riot in the corners. Besides various services it is worthwhile to invest in a sophisticated air-conditioning technology for hotel rooms. After all guests pay for an all-round carefree package, making their stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible. And only if pleased to 100 % will they recommend the hotel and come to stay again at their earliest convenience.
Prime climate guarantees well-being
While occupied, hotel rooms should be heated to at least 20 degrees Celsius. When a room is not occupied, the temperature can be reduced to 15 degrees Celsius – and should in order to save energy. But how about the humidity level? Excessive humidity values are often the result of incorrect ventilation, showering or bathing, with the humidity being distributed from the bathroom to other rooms, but are also caused by perspiration and breathing. The more often a hotel room is occupied and the longer the guest stays in his room, the more important becomes high-quality dehumidification technology. The limit value of 60 per cent of relative humidity should not be exceeded. Because common humidity damages appear starting with this level. With their mobile comfort dehumidifiers of the TTK-E-S series Trotec provides the ideal solution to create the best possible feel-good climate in hotel rooms. Quickly and tailor-made.

To each room its own comfort climate
Versatile, silent, handy and elegant: These are the features of the Trotec comfort dehumidifiers of the TTK-E-S series. The different high-performance models can be selected accordingly to suit the accommodation depending on the hotel room’s size and furnishings and there create a luxurious climate for the guests. After all, they are not Europe’s best-selling compact dehumidifier without reason. The can be adapted to the respective demand and reliably generate dry air. Moreover, these devices impress with an excellent value-for-money ratio. Another advantage: The dehumidifiers come equipped with an integrated air filter so that the room air is additionally cleaned from dust, fluff, bacteria and animal hair. A hotelier can choose from more than 20 devices comprised in the series – ranging from the desiccant dehumidifier TTR 55 E, which weighs less than 7 kg and yet is able to dehumidify up to 8.7 litres per day, to the powerful TTK 127 E, which most notably impresses with a dehumidification performance of 50 litres per day when used in larger rooms.
Particularly convenient: For unattended continuous operation the models are as standard provided with connections facilities for an external condensate drain. That way hotel rooms can be dehumidified reliably, e.g. after a renovation, without having to empty the water collection container.
The advantages of TTK-E-S dehumidifiers
- can be applied flexibly with different room dimensions
- powerful and appealing models fitting into a stylish atmosphere
- space-saving construction
- electronic regulation
- integrated air filter for additional air purification
- best value-for-money ratio
Dehumidification in hotels
standard equipment
optionally available
not available