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  1. Applications
  2. Ventilation
  3. Theatrical ventilation for open-air events

Wind machines: Fresh wind for indoor and open-air events

At Trotec, organizers of events find the suitable device for every theatrical ventilation

If you're an organizer of successful events, apart from the right intuition for the target group, music and location, you especially need one thing: a sophisticated, well-engineered theatrical ventilation concept to make a lasting impression on the guests Whether your event is to take place indoors in a hall or outdoors at an open-air festival: Trotec supplies the suitable wind machines for mobile air circulation for every need and any size of event.

Wind machines are indispensable in modern event management applications to generate a variety of effects. Whether you want to simulate fresh wind on the stage, distribute the smoke from the fog machine evenly in the crowd, or enhance the effect of confetti shooters.  The wind machine can also be used to guide the swathes of fog and the effects into the direction required in each case. The stage effects known from open-air festivals, which get more and more impressive and stunning each year, require powerful axial fans specially designed for professional continuous operation, like for example the TTW 45000 wind machine from Trotec. Its extremely robust design and the high performance levels make the TTW 45000 especially recommendable as a top-performance wind machine for the mobile use at large-scale open-air events, stage shows and concerts.

The air flow rate of a TTW 45000 installation grows with its requirements!

Exceptionally convenient: The axial fans of the TTW series designed for professional and mobile use can be stacked and are perfectly suitable for the use in different applications. This ventilation stacking installation makes it possible to implement impressing air volumes, suitable for almost any event size and requirement. The robust steel construction with protective grids on the intake and exhaust side provides for trouble-free and reliable use at your event. And owing to its high-quality transport rolls with locking brakes, the high-performance fan is also installed in no time at its location and dismounted and removed just as quickly again after the event.

Fields of application of the TTW wind machines

Wherever large and scalable capacities for air circulation are required, the TTW 45000 with its great air circulation capacities of up to 45,600 m³/h generates a great deal of wind. Perfectly suited for the theatrical ventilation of trade fairs, discotheques, photo shoots, indoor events as well as open-air festivals of any size.

Due to its special construction and the high performance values, the wind machines of the TTW series are particularly suited for the use in large halls and film studios
The turbo fans of the TFV series have enough power to perform numerous effect applications such as the distribution and direction of fog, confetti, soap bubbles or snow effects

Stage blowers to provide for impressive theatrical ventilation

It's not always necessary to use of a large-volume wind machine. For smaller events and-installations, for instance, we recommend using high-performance radial fans of the TFV series and TFV-S series as equally robust and powerful stage blowers. The portable TFV 10 S and TFV 30 S turbo fans can be conveniently stacked and are suitable for the scalable use in a variety of applications.

Possible applications of the stage blowers

Stage blowers like the TFV 10 S and TFV 30 S turbo fans are suitable for the variable enhancement of a variety of applications creating special effects. With an air flow rate of up to 2,250 m³/h and the possibility of increasing the performance by the utilization of several devices, the turbo fans of the TFV series have enough power for the high-coverage distribution and direction of fog, confetti, soap bubbles or snow effects. With up to 3 speed levels and 3 positioning options, the turbo fans of the TFV series can be easily adjusted to meet the individual requirements.

Wind machines and fans from Trotec convince by their practical benefits

Whether you need a portable fan or a professional high-performance blower: a professional event requires first-class equipment. For you as the organizer this is the only way to ensure that the event proceeds in a smooth and trouble-free fashion. All wind machines and fans from Trotec convince by their robustness, reliability and durability – even under the hardest conditions and hiring applications.

Further event management solutions can be found here.

  • High-pressure fans in an international competition

    Trotec's radial fans TFV 900 ensure that the contestants of the Gov Games in Dubai can blow off some steam, leaving them short-winded.

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    In their ratings hit "Mein bester Feind" broadcasted on Pro7 Joko and Klaas relied on high-performance technology from Trotec

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