Dehumidification and air purification when coating
Innovative regulation of the volumetric flow rate for a constant air volume

There are three parameters to be controlled when coating car components: room temperature, humidity and the dust content in the air. In addition to dehumidifiers and heating devices we also provide sustainable air cleaners with special volumetric flow regulation for this production stage in the automotive industry.
Particularly well suited for the dehumidification during coating are the high-performance devices of the TTR series. These desiccant dehumidifiers are available as mobile and stationary versions. In addition to this, various heating units from the Trotec range of products ensure the proper processing temperature. The air purification task poses a particular challenge: The permanent filtration of dust and pollutants and the adherence to specifications regarding the air exchange rate require a precise air volume control. Our mobile devices assist the existing system with this.
Mobile TAC air cleaners with FlowMatic control
The mobile professional air cleaners, TAC 5000 and TAC 6500, of the TAC series are ideal additions to stationary installations for the air purification of workspaces in entrance or exit areas, during dispatch and drying of the coated parts. The application of a special control can solve a well-known problem: For process-related reasons the filters of air cleaners get clogged up with dust and suspended matter during filtration – hence, the volumetric flow reduces. In order to ensure a continuous air quality in spite of that, the Trotec Group developed an innovative control for TAC 5000 and TAC 6500. This sensor-controlled FlowMatic control is unique in the world: The sensors capture the air flow rate values within the entire filter ladder and consecutively adapt the system performance dynamically. That way, the predefined target value for air volume can be kept constant even with polluted filters and the air exchange specifications can be met. The coating quality remains constant and the pollution at the workplace under control.
Drafting and test run: make use of our industrial services
For industrial customers the Trotec Group not only offers devices, but solutions. We draft the climate conditioning for coating lines, drying rooms and the dispatch area in the automotive industry and test it beforehand in trial operation using mobile devices. Only after measurements have proved that the humidity level can be controlled as desired will your final solution be launched.
Make use of our best practice industrial services
You can count on our experts
In order to precisely calculate the demand in the industry and to develop tailor-made concepts for climate conditioning experienced climate specialists are needed. Rely on our team of experts as well as the industrial services: We analyse the individual requirement situation with you present on site, determine the specific demand for devices and develop a tailor-made project solution right up to the exact positioning of the devices.
Just give us a call at +49 2452 962-777 – our industry consultants will be pleased to help you personally and provide information regarding our best practice industrial services. Or send a request indicating your personal requirements directly to our industry experts. We will answer promptly!
Since every industrial undertaking has characteristic process flows, installations and facilities, every air treatment solution demands case-specific device configurations. All in all, the combined effects of air currents, humidity conditions and temperature fluctuations are often hard to calculate on a purely theoretical basis, e.g. in airlock areas or on conveying paths. The consequence: Unnecessary additional costs due to an overestimated demand or – even worse – solutions not working sufficiently in real life.
Upon request, we will readily produce tailor-made desiccant dehumidifiers as special models “made in Germany” perfectly geared to your needs, e.g.:
- TTR industrial desiccant dehumidifiers with hygienic design
- TTR industrial desiccant dehumidifiers for PWIS-free dry air
- TTR industrial desiccant dehumidifiers with extremely low dew point
Makes use of the possibility of having special models with tailored components for your individual needs planned, designed and manufactured in close consultation with our specialists.
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Dehumidifying & air cleaning for coating
standard equipment
optionally available
not available