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Breathe healthier, work healthier, live healthier – made possible by Trotec's high-performance air purifiers
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  4. Major trend good air

Major trend good air: breathe healthier, work healthier, live healthier

Why air purification is so important for health protection – and will remain so even in post-COVID-19 times

While the dangers of increasing outdoor air pollution are heard in the media every day, studies show that our indoor air is up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.
99 % of infections occur indoors!
After the coronavirus pandemic, nothing will be the way it used to be. SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated how vulnerable we are and how important healthy, uncontaminated indoor air is. The virus will not disappear once the pandemic is over. Leading virologists assume that the coronavirus with its mutations will accompany us for the next ten years – along with other infectious diseases (measles, influenza etc.), whose pathogens spread through the air just like the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Indoor air is up to a hundred times more polluted than outdoor air, so air purification remains an elementary component of holistic health protection

Infection control

Virus transmission has long been underestimated

If we want to get a grip on the pandemic, we need to raise the awareness that the danger lurks indoors," warned the German Society for Aerosol Research during the coronavirus pandemic. The scientists call for more consistent measures to be implemented in the future and for more air cleaners to be used to prevent the airborne transmission of viruses.

Apart from COVID-19, other airborne infections include in particular measles and influenza. According to estimates by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the exceptionally strong flu wave in 2017/2018 claimed the lives of around 25,100 people in Germany. The main reason for this record value is a "strong wave of influenza" with a correspondingly high number of respiratory diseases and infections, according to the health report of the Association of Company Health Insurers (BKK).

Flu case numbers approx. 350 times higher before COVID-19 than during the pandemic

These figures can be noticeably reduced by using mobile air cleaners, as current studies impressively prove. In winter 2020, a total of only 533 cases of flu were registered, compared to 185,000 cases in the previous year. Similarly, the number of measles cases decreased by 85 % in the same year, reports the RKI in the Epidemiological Bulletin of 15 April 2021.

According to the scientists, the reason for this exorbitant decline in cases of infection is increased self-protection indoors, for example by using masks, partitions and air cleaners

Trotec's high-performance air purifiers of the TAC series or the AirgoClean® One therefore not only protect against an indirect infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but are also equally effective against all other airborne pathogens and thus offer additional safety when staying indoors.

Whether in the office, meeting room, waiting room, restaurant, hotel or at home, with their certified H14 filter system, Trotec's high-performance air purifiers offer the greatest possible protection for your customers, guests, patients and employees.

Fine dust

An invisible danger for the lung, heart and vessels – indoors and outdoors

Despite all efforts to reduce the fine dust pollution outdoors, the tiny particles we breathe in with every breath are one of the world's biggest environmental risks. Harmful levels of particulate matter in the outdoor air also cause indoor levels to rise. Increased ventilation, for example to exchange stale air, causes the tiny particles to enter living spaces to an even greater extent. Particulate matter pollution presents a permanent hazard to our respiratory organs. More information regarding the fine dust issue can be found here ...

Trotec's high-performance air purifiers produce H14-HEPA-pure air – the optimal basis for infection protection against airborne viruses and health prophylaxis against fine dust hazards

The Trotec high-performance air purifiers of the TAC series for larger, more heavily frequented public zones as well as the AirgoClean® One for small to medium-sized business and private rooms ensure clean air in every respect – scientifically confirmed!

All of Trotec's high-performance air purifiers are both demonstrably effective virus filters and per se highly powerful air cleaners. This provides you not only with a tried and tested air cleaner which neutralizes virus-carrying aerosol particles and bacteria in the room air – with each Trotec high-performance air purifier you can at the same time also benefit from maximum protection against harmful particulate matter pollution in your rooms – even for your life "without COVID-19".

Fine dust is one of the world's biggest environmental risks
When windows or doors are opened for ventilation, the tiny fine dust particles easily enter indoor spaces
Particulate matter pollution presents a permanent hazard to our respiratory organs

High-performance air purifiers “made in Germany” for effective health protection

Trotec offers you the perfect air purification solution for every requirement:

TAC high-performance air purifiers, mobile and stationary

Not only mobile, but also stationary: high-performance air purifiers of the TAC series for highly frequented medium-sized and larger rooms

All TAC high-performance air purifiers, such as the TAC V+, are guarantors for clean, filtered and pure air and our best recommendation for effective health protection in larger rooms where many people are staying, working, playing, learning or shopping.

Different model variants ensure that the optimum TAC high-performance air purifier is available for every need.  In addition to the mobile version for easy changes of location, all models are also available as a stationary version – providing a clean design solution for clean air on the spot!

Continue to the model and design variants of the TAC high-performance air purifiers ...

Comfort high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® One

In good shape for good air: comfort high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® One for smaller shops, offices, practices, law firms or exclusive private rooms

Being one size smaller in terms of dimensions, our comfort high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® One at the same time impresses with remarkable performance data in this device class.

Performance, comfort and design combined in perfect harmony is what makes the AirgoClean® One the first choice for all users who want to ensure a healthy feel-good climate with clean, good air in their rooms and who do not want to do without convenient functions and a first-class design.

Continue to the high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® One ...