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H14 high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® One (EN)
TRT-AirgoClean-ONE-Broschuere-HS-EN.pdf (2.26 MB)
High-performance air cleaners TAC series and AirgoClean® One (EN)
Untersuchungen zur Effizienz von Raumluftreinigern in einem Restaurant
Bericht_Salon_Rouge_06_12_2020.pdf (605 KB)
Untersuchungen zur Lüftungssituation in einem Kopfhörsaal
Bericht_Trotec_UniBw_033-2431.pdf (657 KB)
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit „Saubere Luft - Stickstoffoxide und Feinstaub in der Atemluft“ April 2019, Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften
Leo_Stellungnahme_SaubereLuft_2019_Web_03.pdf (3.51 MB)
TROTEC CASE STUDY: Alesca Life, Vertical Farming in Dubai (EN)
EN-Case_Study_Luftentfeuchtung_Alesca-Life_Vertica... (511 KB)
TROTEC CASE STUDY: Perfect climate in cool ripening chambers (EN)
EN-Case_Study_Luftentfeuchtung_Schinken_Alvarez_00... (472 KB)
TROTEC CASE STUDY: Enaire, Trotec dehumidifier for flight safety (EN)
EN-Case_Study_Luftentfeuchtung_ENAIRE_Control-Towe... (1.09 MB)
TROTEC CASE STUDY: Reliable air dehumidification against condensation (EN)
Case_Study_Luftentfeuchtung_MareDeus_HS-EN-001.pdf (631 KB)
TROTEC CASE STUDY: Rogun, Trotec heating for large construction sites (EN)
EN-Case_Study_TEH_Grossbaustelle_Rogun.pdf (1.29 MB)
Practical knowledge guide – Semiconductor dehumidifier (EN)
Solutions for air treatment and plant diagnostics in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry (EN)
Professional solutions for indoor swimming pools and whirlpools (EN)