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Capacity calculation for air cleaners
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  4. Room hygrostats
  5. Capacity calculation for air cleaners

Capacity calculation for air cleaners

Instructions for use:

You can use the following method to quickly and easily determine the air cleansing performance required for your rooms. This capacity calculation for air cleansers should be seen as a rough guide - it is not a substitute for a proper calculation in accordance with existing norms. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The following items must be included in order to be able to determine the required air cleansing performance:

  1. What is the volume of the room in cubic metres?
  2. Which pollutants are to be filtered?
  3. What kind of room is available?
  4. Alternatively, the desired number of air change rates may be specified directly.

Room volume calculating

Filtering of pollutants (selection of filters)

coarse dust filter (G4)

heavy industry dust, fine sand, raindrops, coarse dust

fine dust filter (F7) incl. coarse dust filter

hair, pollen, fungus spores, plant spores

filter for suspended matter (H13) incl. fine dust filter incl. coarse dust filter

house dust mite allergens, cement dust, mould, mould spores, mineral fibre dusts, flue ash, coal dust, insecticides, fog (atmospheric), descending fine dust, pollen pieces, diesel soot, germs, anthrax spores, bacteria, paint pigments, cat allergens, oil mist, soot, tobacco smoke, asbestos dust, smog, viruses.

Air exchanges

alternate input

Results of the calculation

Result of the volume calculation [m³]:


Results of the calculations [m³/h]:


[Translate to English:] Das Ergebnis dieser Berechnung gibt die benötigte Geräteleistung bzgl. der ausgewählten Filterkette, dem Raumvolumen sowie der Anzahl der Luftwechsel aus. Die TKL-Luftreinigungssysteme decken das Leistungsspektrum von 380 m³/h bis 5.700 m³/h ab. Werden größere Leistungen benötigt, müssen entsprechende Gerätekombinationen ausgewählt werden.

Legal notice:
This form may only be used for the purpose for which it was intended. It is not permitted for third parties to use the source code or duplicate it in any form.

Please contact our expert advisers to evaluate the required air cleansing performance. The results derived from these calculations serve solely as a means for providing a rough estimate and TKL GmbH does not resume liability for any damages resulting hereof. All use is at your own risk and all responsibility is assumed by the user. All our services are subject to our general terms of business.