Hydrogen Leak Detector XRS 9012
The XRS 9012 represents the current technological progress in the development of practice-optimized hydrogen leak detectors.
This light, powerful and handy measuring device enables the quick, time- and cost-saving location of leaks. Leaks cannot be too small or too large, the XRS system will detect them quickly and precisely!
The concept of the XRS detection system is based on current findings from material and process engineering. Therefore, this measuring device has solid benefits on offer for the user as compared to other gas detectors.
Facts on trace gas:
When analysing the physical characteristics of gases relevant for leak detection, one quickly learns that hydrogen is way superior to other gases. Therefore, hydrogen is used as trace gas for leak detection with the XRS system. It is not only the lightest, but also the least expensive of all trace gases and completely safe, when used properly: namely diluted with nitrogen. For this reason, the XRS system uses a gas mixture of 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen. This environmentally sound mixture of gases is incombustible, non-toxic and not corrosive! Hydrogen and nitrogen are present in all organic systems. The natural hydrogen content in air amounts to 0.5 ppm.
Examples of application:
- Detection of pipe bursts / line breaks
- Telecommunication / power cable
- Flat roof leak detection
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Containers, valves, boilers, heat exchangers
- Buildings and boats
- And many more...

The Trotec standard package of the XRS system includes:
- Hydrogen leak detector XRS 9012 incl. carrying bag (fig. 1)
- Measuring head XRS H 21 (fig. 2)
- Cable XRS C 21 S, 3 m (fig. 3)
Optionally available system components:
- Standard carry handle XRS P 12 (fig. 4)
- Soil sensor XRS 8212 (fig. 5)
- Soil probe XRS 8612 (fig. 6) incl. vacuum pump (fig. 7)
- Additional components available on request

Functioning of the XRS 9012: The measuring device's sensitivity can be individually adjusted to every task
The desired sensitivity level can be set at the push of a button. This procedure allows a new way of working – safer and more efficient:
Initially, large areas can also quickly be checked at maximum sensitivity. As soon as a signal is received, the sensitivity level can be selected in way that potential interfering signals are cut out and a precise location of the leak is taking place.
The option of sensitivity reduction is another advantage.
Gross leaks in small rooms no longer result in a full-scale deflection. For a clear detection of large leaks the sensitivity can simply be reduced to a minimum.
Based on the rapid response time, even the smallest trace gas concentrations can be registered with a significant signal, which quickly drops back to zero with a decreasing concentration. Additionally, the zero point can be set anew at any time with a single keystroke.
During development, we paid particular attention to safety and comfort:
The leak detector is shaped in such a way that it can be carried close to the body. It is supplied with a shoulder strap, so that it is possible to work with both hands without difficulty. A practical detail providing additional safety.
Usually the XRS 9012 is used primarily for leak detection and not the measurement of gas concentrations. If however a rough location is to be effected by means of measuring at different measuring points, this can be realized quickly and easily at an increased sensitivity setting.
Helpful practical feature: Whenever actuating the button, the MAX function determines the maximum concentration at the measuring point. This way, gas concentrations at different locations can be directly compared with one another.
The XRS 9012 comes equipped with an automatic battery charging function. Should the battery run empty, usually 5 to 10 minutes of charging time are enough to complete the current measurement. Charging can be accomplished via a car's cigarette lighter.
Solid practical benefits of the XRS system
The concept of the XRS system is based on current findings from material and process engineering. Advantages for the user: An effective measuring device with considerably optimized price-performance-ratio! In the sum of its advantages the XRS system is at present the best gas detector solution for non-destructive leak detection!
In addition to our many years of experience with tracer gas systems, numerous practical user suggestions have contributed to the further development of this system: For instance, the measuring sensor was mounted directly in the soil probe. Result: extremely fast response times!
Also at the top of the user's wish list: low follow-up costs and high reliability! Therefore, the XRS system in contrast to other gas detectors works without expensive vacuum pump, i.e. expensive repairs of this failure-prone component are also not required!
- Adjustable sensitivity level
- No saturation – even with gross leaks
- Quick recovery
- Automatic setting of zero
- No cross-sensitivity to other gases
- Ergonomic housing – carrying strap allows working with both hands
- Maintenance-free battery with short charging time and long lifetime, can also be charged in the car (12 V)
- Fault indicator
- Minimum/maximum measured value storage
Accessories for the XRS 9012
Hand-held Measuring Head XRS H 21: For hydrogen leak detection using the XRS 9012
The hand-held measuring head XRS H 21 belongs to the standard accessories of the hydrogen leak detector XRS 9012. The actual sensor is located at the tip of the hand-held measuring head, which is connected to the leak detector via a cable. The measuring device responds as soon as trace gas reaches the hand-held measuring head.
The XRS H 21 is perfectly suited for pinpoint leak detection and can also be used in combination with the standard carry handle XRS P 12.
Soil Sensor XRS 8212: For leak detection under the most difficult conditions
The soil sensor is employed for leak detection on soft ground, such as farmland, clay, sand, gravel, snow or marsh, and wherever the vegetation prevents the surface measuring head XRS 8612 from being used.
A few practical benefits:
- Detects hydrogen in dry and wet ground, can be used in all types of soft ground
- Hydrogen sensor integrated in the tip
- Works without pump
- Waterproof
The soil sensor XRS 8212 is used in combination with leak detector XRS 9012 and especially suited for leak detection under the most difficult of surrounding conditions.
Up to a certain magnitude hydrogen is soluble in water. Thus, the soil sensor XRS 8212 is also used in water to detect the dissolved hydrogen there.
Soil Probe XRS 8612
This probe is a special development for leak detection at subterranean tanks or lines and used along with the XRS 9012.
In order to prevent the immediate dissipation of the hydrogen upon reaching the surface due to its high volatility, the probe absorbs the gas directly from the ground or flooring. Hence it is possible to precisely locate even the smallest of leaks in tubes or containers without the need to lay these bare by means of drilling or excavating.
Part of the equipment of the soil probe XRS 8612 is a vacuum pump with two operating speeds. The used hydrogen sensor is identical in construction to the sensor of the XRS 9012. The integration of this sensor results in the fact that the traced gas is reported faster than would be possible with the gas fed to the leak detector via a hose.
The reliable battery of the XRS 9012 is also used for the soil probe XRS 8612. A light-emitting diode indicates, when the battery needs to be charged. The battery can be charged indefinitely often and without time limit.
In order to prevent, that water is sucked into the probe, the soil probe XRS 8612 is provided with dust filter and overflow valve. An LED indicates, when the overflow valve is closed. Simply via the push of a button the valve can be set back to operating state.