Customer Service & Support: +49 2452 962-450

Business inquiries: +49 2452 962-400

Mon – Fri: 8:00 – 17:00 (CET)

Any questions?

We are happy to provide further information available.

Business: +49 2452 962 400
Industry: +49 2452 962 777
End-consumers: +49 2452 962 450


Questions about the order, payment, delivery or other? We will be happy to help you!

With this form we want to give you the opportunity to contact us quickly and in an uncomplicated manner. Whether you have questions regarding order, payment or delivery details or rather general inquiries about our products and services, just select this in the respective drop-down box below. That way, your inquiry immediately reaches the right contact person and we can process it much faster!

Trotec GmbH
Grebbener Straße 7
52525 Heinsberg
Tel: +49 2452 962-0
Fax +49 2452 962-200

Klein Siberiestraat 1C
3900 Overpelt
Tel. +32 78 48 28 07
Fax +32 78 48 28 12
E-mail :

Boxes marked with * are mandatory

How can we help you?

      1. Form of address
  1. Message
  2. By submitting, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

      1. Form of address
  1. We are interested in your service offer
    1. Please check your main areas of interest below or use the text box to explain your reason for contact individually, so we can prepare ourselves for the personal consulting at the best possible rate. Thank you.
  2. Message
  3. By submitting, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

Are personal data stored?

The protection of your personal data is our top priority. If you would like to find out more about the way your personal data is stored and used, please read our Data Privacy Declaration.

Do you have questions about data protection?

For privacy inquiries, please use this form.