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BZ15M thermohygrometer
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  4. Climate measuring instruments
  5. BZ15M thermohygrometer

BZ15M thermohygrometer

For quickly controlling your healthy indoor climate

High-quality mechanical measurement technology "made in Germany"

The indoor climate hygrometer BZ15M is easy to read and understand, it indicates the ideal climate values in interior spaces depending on room temperature and season. The special scale design with colour gradient from bright to dark yellow serves to indicate both room temperature and relative humidity. 

Moreover, the thermohygrometer is fitted with a convenient season-based ventilation recommendation – which, if consequently observed, can help prevent the harmful mould formation and growth in interior spaces. This makes the hygrometer BZ15M an ideal tool for the quick and simple climate control in living spaces including living or bedrooms, offices, training or assembly rooms.

The thermohygrometer BZ15M is equipped with a high-quality mechanical measurement technology "made in Germany" that guarantees a high measurement accuracy of ± 3 % RH in the range from 20 to 100 % RH without the need for maintenance. This mechanism is employed to measure the change in length of a specially pre-treated synthetic fibre that expands in humid conditions and contracts when it is dry.

The length variation is converted into a rotary motion using levers and axes and communicated by the needle. The display of the hygrometer can easily be calibrated and amended by way of a zero correction.

How to assign climate values correctly

Read the room temperature from the thermohygrometer and match it with the corresponding colour ranges:

  • dark yellow for little heating 16-18 °C
  • medium-range yellow for normal heating 18-22 °C
  • bright yellow for intensive heating 22-24 °C

On the scale for the atmospheric conditions outside you can identify: 

  • winter by average temperatures below +5 °C 
  • autumn/spring by average values between 5 and 15 °C

Now you can recognize the ideal target humidity range for your living space by the colour that matches the room temperature.

Example for correct reading

At a room temperature of 20 °C during the winter a relative humidity level of 40-50 % should not be exceeded. If so, reduce the humidity through ventilation. The depiction of an open window on the dial of the thermohygrometer BZ15M indicates the necessity for intermittent full ventilation. The most effective ventilation period for the respective season is given in minutes. 

BZ15M – Special equipment features

BZ15M thermohygrometer
The image of an open window on the dial of the compact thermohygrometer BZ15M symbolizes the so-called 'shock ventilation', in addition to which the most effective ventilation time corresponding to the season is listed in minutes.
BZ15M thermohygrometer
The thermohygrometer BZ15M is equipped with a high-quality mechanical measurement technology "made in Germany" that guarantees a high measurement accuracy of ± 3 % RH in the range from 20 to 100 % RH without the need for maintenance.
BZ15M thermohygrometer
The indoor climate hygrometer BZ15M is easy to read and understand, it indicates the ideal climate values in interior spaces depending on room temperature and season.
BZ15M thermohygrometer
By no means aloof, the elegantly flat stainless steel housing of the BZ15M thermohygrometer presents itself with a shallow depth.

Application examples from practice:

BZ15M - Office application
Too low humidity values in the office are not uncommon. With the visually appealing thermohygrometer BZ15M, you can keep an eye on the important parameters of a healthy working climate in order to counteract with controlled air humidification or dehumidification if necessary. Optimally regulated air humidity increases well-being at the workplace and reduces sick leave.
BZ15M - Application living room
There is no more stylish way to control the humidity level in the private library. The BZ15M blends in perfectly with the ambience of your elegantly furnished reading room, so you can keep an eye on the humidity level and prevent moisture-related mould growth. A permanently regulated humidity level protects against moisture damage and contributes to the value retention of your priceless classic books.
BZ15M - Application Wing
Excessive humidity in the living room is a common reason for mould growth. Prevent this health risk. The thermohygrometer BZ15M harmoniously blends into modern bedrooms and living rooms. Excessive humidity values requiring permanent dehumidification or the windows to be opened manually become visible at a glance.
Technical data by comparison

All climate measuring devices in direct comparison:

To find the climate measuring device which exactly meets your requirements, please consult the concise overview of all climate measuring devices from Trotec, which we're providing to you here so that you can compare them directly to each other.

Models which you do not wish to include in your comparison can be easily dismissed with only one click.

Technical data by comparison

A few practical benefits:

  • High-quality mechanical measurement technology "made in Germany"
  • Special scale design with season-dependent ventilation recommendation for optimum climate values
  • Simple readability and interpretation
  • Incl. calibration option


BZ15M Thermohygrometer show in Trotec online shop

BZ15M Thermohygrometer

You save: 7 %

64.95 £ 59.95 £ incl. VAT Show net price (VAT not included)


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