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BC21 Thermohygrometer
  1. Products & Services
  2. Measuring devices
  3. Climate
  4. Climate measuring instruments
  5. BC21 Thermohygrometer

BC21 Thermohygrometer

Accurate, pocket-sized climate measuring device

Measurement of diverse climate data with only one device: relative humidity, air temperature, dew point and wet-bulb temperature

High-quality sensor technology and numerous measuring functions make the BC21 the ideal climate measuring device for workshop, hobby and household applications:

The relation of humidity and temperature is decisive for ideal climate conditions in living, work or storage spaces. Prevailing feel-good climate? Risk of mould growth or rust?

Due to the integrated dew point temperature measurement, all issues evolving around the building climate control can quickly and easily be investigated using the BC21.

With its impact-proof and rigid stainless steel probe the robust construction cuts a remarkably fine figure even in the rough everyday usage of ventilation and air-conditioning technicians – the additional function for measuring the wet-bulb temperature also enables a universal application of the BC21 in planning, measuring and performance control of air-conditioning and ventilation systems.

BC21 – Special equipment features

BC21 Thermohygrometer
BC21 Thermohygrometer
Side view
BC21 Thermohygrometer
Power supply: 9 V block battery
BC21 Thermohygrometer
Simple one-hand operation

Application examples from practice:

BC21 Thermohygrometer
High-quality sensor technology and numerous measuring functions make the BC21 the ideal climate measuring instrument.
BC21 Thermohygrometer
With its shock- and bend-resistant stainless steel probe, the rugged design cuts a fine figure even in the rough practical use of air-conditioning technicians.
BC21 Thermohygrometer
Thanks to the integrated dew point temperature measurement, important questions concerning building climate control can be investigated easily and quickly with the BC21.
BC21 Thermohygrometer
The additional function for measuring the wet-bulb temperature also enables a universal application of the BC21 in planning, measuring and performance control of air-conditioning and ventilation systems.
Technical data by comparison

All climate measuring devices in direct comparison:

To find the climate measuring device which exactly meets your requirements, please consult the concise overview of all climate measuring devices from Trotec, which we're providing to you here so that you can compare them directly to each other.

Models which you do not wish to include in your comparison can be easily dismissed with only one click.

Technical data by comparison

A few practical benefits:

  • Development, design, production: 100 % Trotec
  • Measurement of diverse climate data with only one device: relative humidity, air temperature, dew point and wet-bulb temperature
  • Optimum price-performance-ratio
  • Dual display for parallel presentation of measured values
  • Maximum or minimum value and hold function
  • Rapid response time
  • Soft-touch function keys
  • Easy, one-hand operation
  • Backlit display
  • Automatic switch-off
  • Robust construction
  • Practice-optimized German industrial design - protected design patent


BC21 Thermohygrometer  show in Trotec online shop

BC21 Thermohygrometer

You save: 21 %

69.95 £ 54.95 £ incl. VAT Show net price (VAT not included)


Technical data



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